
Pulled Apart By Horses: “Haha!”

Foto: Press
Vrijeme čitanja: 10 minute

U našem najnovijem izdanju inozemnih intervjua popričali smo s Tomom Hudsonom, pjevačem i gitaristom britanskog benda Pulled Apart By Horses koji je nedavno objavio novi album.

Tko su Pulled Apart By Horses i zašto te ljude trgaju konji?

Mi smo kugla buke i energije stvorena od najgnjusnijih elemenata koji su ostali od Velikog praska. Naše ime je labavo bazirano na načinu srednjovjekovnog mučenja, a to je i način kako se mi želimo osjećati nakon koncerta te kako želimo da se publika osjeća.

Vidjeli smo nešto zanimljivo na Youtubeu i, ovoga, drugim stranicama, čini se da postoji velik broj uploadanih primjeraka vašeg albuma ali upravo tu je zamka, jesmo li u pravu? Ti albumi nisu zapravo vaši albumi već čudna mješavina zvukova. To je zanimljiv način borbe protiv piratstva… Jesam li u pravu kada pretpostavljam da ste vi glavni krivci? Što mislite o piratstvu kao takvom?

Haha, da, to smo bili mi. Napravili smo to sa svakim albumom do sada. Nema ništa gore nego kada ti album procuri na internetu prije nego što si ga uopće izbacio u javnost – ovo je naš način borbe protiv toga. Ljudi skinu naš album s raznih torrent stranica, misleći da imaju album, ali kada krenu slušati shvate da je to 10 sekundi svake pjesme i mješavina nas kako pričamo apsolutne gluposti u kombiju za turneje, sve začinjeno s temom iz Sonic The Hedgehoga i Grange Hilla. Ljudi su na kraju znali ostaviti te snimke na računalu kao da su to nekakvi promotivni materijali! Zamisao je za nas odlično funkcionirala i mislim da bi i drugi bendovi trebali tako nešto raditi. Nisam potpuno protiv piratstva, budući da ne možeš spriječiti ljude da to rade, ali ljudi moraju shvatiti da zapravo otežavaju preživljavanje i nastavak rada bendu koji slušaju (i u kojem uživaju).

Vidjeli smo da vas je bubnjar napustio  zato što su turneje postale malo preteške za njega, što ste napravili jadnom čovjeku?

Haha! Izgurali smo ga do kraja, a onda smo samo nastavili gurati! Ne, zapravo ne… Lee je odlučio da je vrijeme da se počne baviti nekim drugim stvarima ranije ove godine. Još uvijek će se kretati u glazbenim vodama ali želi se baviti menadžmentom bendova. Sve je prijateljski nastrojeno i zaista će nam nedostajati ali ovo je prijelazno razdoblje za bend. On je također bio osoba koja je predložila Tommyja (našeg novog bubnjara) da preuzme njegovo (bubnjarsko) prijestolje. Tommy je naš dobar prijatelj već godinama tako da se ovo čini kao prirodni razvoj stvari.


Imate neke nove datume, kamo idete, što očekujete?

Svirat ćemo na puno indie festival u Velikoj Britaniji ove godine, dosta onih na kojima smo već svirali i na kojima smo uživali tako da će biti lijepo ponovno ih posjetiti i vidjeti neka poznata (blatna) lica!

Objavit ćete live album s vašeg nastupa u Londonu, zašto baš s tog nastupa te zašto na vinilu i u tako malom broju primjeraka?

Pa, bio je to posljednji datum na našoj prethodnoj turneji, svirka je imala dobar odnos novih i starih stvari, a i publika i sam nastup su bili nevjerojatni. To je također bio i zadnji nastup s Leejem tako da je to bio lijep način da zabilježimo naše vrijeme s njim. Napravili smo ograničeno izdanje (uz pomoć naših starih kompića iz Too Pure & Transgressive) jer je to izdanje za Record Store Day. Nabrijani smo izbaciti još jedan live album i ne bismo to mogli bez njih!

Vidjeli smo vaš video za High five, Swan dive, razbili ste nešto opreme, zapravo, razbili ste dosta opreme, nadam se da to nisu bile neke skupe vintage gitare?

Haha! Da, taj video je bio zabavan za raditi. Većina opreme je ili naša ( razbijena je do kraja) ili su to instrumenti koje su nam fanovi donirali da ih uništimo. Razmišljajte o tome kao o žrtvovanju.


Vaš prvi album ima neke prilično eklektične pjesme i neočekivane promjene tempa, na drugom albumu se čini da ste se malo smirili s tim ludilom, a sada na trećem ste još žešći ali u nešto konvencionalnijoj skladteljskoj formi. Kako se to dogodilo?

To je sve zapravo dio naše evolucije. Svaki put kada stvaramo novo izdanje pokušavamo ne kročiti istim putem kao što smo prije. Naš prvi album je bio dokument svega što smo napisali u to vrijeme. Drugi je bio vise jednostavan rock album i na njemu smo se jako usredotočili na rad s producentom ( legendarnim Gilom Nortonom), a treći je bio vise o eksperimentiranju, prelaženju granica vokalno i glazbeno te pokušaj pisanja različitog raspona ideja.

 Nedavno smo razgovarali s Blood Red Shoesima i vidjeli smo da ste s njima imali malu turneju po Njemačkoj, kako se to dogodilo, kako je bilo? Također ste bili na turneji s Kasabianom, imate li što za podijeliti o tom iskustvu?

Ta turneja s Blood Red Shoes je bila jedna od kolektivno nam najdražih turneja. Oni su odličan bend, a sada su nam i odlični prijatelji nakon svega. Rulje su bile nevjerojatne, puno smo tulumarili, puno smo putovali i završili u nekim posebnim situacijama, haha!

Turneja s Kasabianom je bila odlična ali potpuno drukčije iskustvo. Zvučimo dosta različito od Kasabiana tako da je svaka večer bila izazov za nas, ali sve na dobar način! Ili pokušamo preobratiti ljude ili ih na smrt preplašiti – kako god bilo – naš posao je gotov.


Čak je i NME rekao da ste vi dečki prilično brutalni, vaši nastupi su poprilično napeti, je li to nešto što očekujete kada se popnete na pozornicu?

Ne, zapravo ne. Nikada ne planiramo ništa izvan setliste tako da sve prepuštamo spontanosti. Imali smo svoj udio u krvi i masnicama u prošlosti ali to je sve u nemogućnosti manje patetičnog opisa, dio pokušaja da se izgubimo u glazbi i trenutku.

Nedavno ste na Facebook stranici podijelili novi album The Twilight Sada, We Were Promised Jetpacks su ih naveli kao veliki utjecaj na svoju glazbu, što se to događa oko tog benda?

James je ogromni fan oba benda te im je čak sređivao gaže u Leedsu, davno kada je promovirao nastupe – tako da, da, ima povijest s njima. Svaki od nas ima svoj eklektični ukus u bendovima i žanrovima i pretpostavljam da je zato naš zvuk takav takva mješavina.

Također ste postali Future Of The Left, jesu li oni veliki utjecaj za vas? Što mislite o njihovom novom materijalu, dosta su se promjenili?

Da, dosta smo išli s njima na turneje u svojim ranijim danima i imamo tu čast da ih možemo nazvati kompićima. Imali su nekoliko promjena članova i njihov zvuk je evoluirao iz albuma u album ali i dalje zadržavaju svoj guturalni, napeti, podrugljivi komentar, a to je ono što nas je na prvom mjestu i privuklo k njima.

Ima li nešto što smo zaboravili, a da biste voljeli dodati?

Ne baš, samo da smo u novom bendovskom poglavlju. Svi smo uzbuđeni oko sviranja na nekim festivalima i da se s velikom energijom posvetimo nekoj novoj buci za ljudske uši.

I da…još nismo svirali u Hrvatskoj tako da se nadamo da ćemo doći tamo i uzrokovati malo nevolje!

Who are Pulled Apart By Horses and why are those people getting pulled apart?

We’re a ball of noise and energy created from the nastiest elements that were left over from the Big Bang. Our name is loosely based on a form of medieval torture and that is the way we like ourselves and our audience to feel after a live show.

We saw something interesting on Youtube and, um, other sites, there seems to be a large number of uploaded copies of your new album but there’s a plot twist, am I right? Those albums are not really your albums but some weird mixture of sounds. That’s an interesting way of fighting piracy… Am I right to assume this is all your doing? What do you think of piracy in general?

Haha, yeah that was us. We’ve done it with every album so far. There’s nothing worse than getting your album leaked online before you have even released it to the public – so this is our way of combatting that. People downolad our album from various torrents sites, thinking that they have the album but when they go to listen to it they realise that it’s 10 seconds of every song and then a mix of us chatting absolute crap in a tour van, spliced with the Sonic The Hedgehog / Grange Hill themes. People have ended up leaving them on their computer and treating them almost as if they’re some sort of promotional podcast or something! The idea has worked for us and I think other bands should do it more. I’m not fully against piracy as you can’t stop people doing it but people have to realise that you’re essentially making everything way harder for the band you listen to (and enjoy) to survive and carry on!

We saw that your drummer left the band recently because touring was a bit too hard on him, what did you guys do to the poor man?

Haha! We drove him to the edge and then just kept pushing! No not really… Lee decided it was time to pursue other things earlier this year. He’s still going to hover around the music scene but wants to start managing bands. Everything’s amicable and we will really miss him but it’s a transitional period for the band. He was also the person that suggested Tommy (our new drummer) to take his (drum) throne. Tommy’s been a great friend to us for years so it feels like a natural progression.


Regarding the new dates, where are you going, what are your expectations?

We will be playing a lot of UK indie festivals this year, quite a few that we’ve done before and really enjoyed so it’ll be nice to  revisit them and see some familiar (muddy) faces!

You are releasing a live album from your show in London, why that particular show and why on vinyl and such a small number of copies?

Well it was the final date on our previous tour, the set was a good balance of old and new stuff and the crowd and show itself were amazing! It was also our last show with Lee so it’s a nice way to document our time with him. We’ve only done a limited release (with the help of our old pals Too Pure & Transgressive) because it’s going to be released for Record Store Day. We’re psyched to get another live album out and couldn’t have done it without them!

We saw your video for High five, Swan dive,  you broke some equipment, actually quite a bit of equipment, I hope those things weren’t some expensive vintage guitars?

Haha! Yeah, that video was a blast to make. Most of the gear is either our own stuff (that was battered beyond repair) or instruments that fans have donated to us to destroy. Think of it as a sacrifice.


Your first album has some pretty damn eclectic songs and unexpected tempo changes, on your second album you seem to have calmed down a bit with that madness and now on the third album you’re even more hardcore but in a more conventional songwriting form. How did that happen?

It’s all just part of our evolution really. Each time we write a new record we try not to tread the same ground as we have before. The first album was more of a document of whatever we had written at the time. The second one was more of a straight up rock album and we focused a lot on working with a producer (the legendary Gil Norton) and the third was more about experimentation, pushing ourselves vocally and musically – and trying to write a varying range of ideas.

We’ve recently talked with Blood Red Shoes and saw that you guys did a small tour in Germany, how did that happen, what was it like? You also toured with Kasabian, anything to share about that experience?

That tour with Blood Red Shoes was one of our collectively favourite tours. They’re a great band and now our great friends after that. The crowds were amazing, we partied a lot, travelled a lot and also got into some particular situations, haha!

The Kasabian tour was great but a totally different experience. We sound pretty different to from Kasabian so every night was a challenge for us, but all in a good way! We either try to win people over or scare the crap out of them – either way – our job is done.

Even NME said you guys are pretty brutal, your shows get pretty intense, is it something you expect every time you get on stage?

No not really. We never plan anything out other than the setlist so everything is left to spontaneity. We’ve had our fair share of blood and bruises in the past but it’s all part of (for want of a less cheesy description) trying to lose ourselves within the music and the moment.


You’ve recently shared the new album by The Twilight Sad on your Facebook page, We Were Promised Jetpacks also listed them as a big influence on their music, what is going on around that band?

James is a massive fan of both bands and had even and had even arranged gigs for them in Leeds when he was promoting shows a while ago – so he has a bit of history with them. Each one of us has our own eclectic taste in bands and genres and I guess that’s why our sound is such a mishmash.

You’ve also posted Future Of The Left, are they a big influence on you guys?  What do you think of their new material, they’ve changed quite a bit?

Yeah we toured with them quite a lot in the early days and have the honour of calling them our pals. They’ve had a few member changes and their sound has evolved from album to album but they still keep their guttural, intense, snide commentary the same and that’s what drew us to them in the first place.

Is there something we’ve forgotten that you would like to add? Feel free to talk about anything.

Not really, just that we’re in a new chapter of the band. We’re all psyched about playing some festivals and also getting our teeth stuck into some new noise for people’s ears!

Oh and….. we haven’t played in Croatia before so hopefully we will head over there soon to cause some trouble!

Prijevod/translation: Jan Vukasović/Anja Grgurinović

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