Crush: “Svirati ispred 10 nasmijanih ljudi ugodnije je nego nastupati u prostoriji punoj lica kojima je dosadno”
Indie emo naočale za pučanstvo gladno nezavisnog rocka ove subote u Močvari pripremaju novi gig. U goste im dolaze kalifornijski Walter Etc. i austrijski Crush, a pridružuje im se lokalni Weather Pains, novi bend članova Benchwarmersa, Silka/nikad prežaljenih pleterničkih Loonaticsa te jednog zadarskog benda čiju je stvar navodno obradio Toni Cetinski.
Crush, glazba za prijatelje, ljubavnike, mame i tate
Crush je na prvom zagrebačkom koncertu gledalo cca. desetero prijatelja Uprave Indie emo naočala i svih desetero prijatelja je bilo apsolutno oduševljeno. U ovom intervjuu saznajte više o njima, austrijskoj indie sceni i o tome kako se pripremiti za njihov koncert!
Desetak ljudi koji su vas slušali kad ste prošli put bili ovdje šire veoma lijepe glasine o bendu. Jeste li vi bili impresionirani njima kao što su oni bili impresionirani vama? Vraćate li se po još ili da bi se osvetili Zagrebu?
Ponekad je svirati ispred 10 nasmijanih ljudi ugodnije nego nastupati u prostoriji punoj lica kojima je dosadno. Osim toga, prošli put je 100% publike kupilo nešto od robe, što se nije dogodilo ni prije ni poslije Zagreba. Zagrebe, nemoj nas razočarati! (;
Ako se ne varam, vaš prvi LP izlazi uskoro? Je li turneja uključena u promociju? Gdje će vas ona odvesti, osim u Zagreb?
Da, izaći će 27. travnja za Numavi Records. Bit će nekoliko nastupa u Austriji i u okolici tijekom proljeća, a preko ljeta ćemo svirati na nekim manjim festivalima. Početkom rujna ćemo se zaputiti njemačkim cestama.
Što vam je najdraže na turneji, a što bi preskočili da možete?
Očito volimo svirati i družiti se s prijateljima koje smo upoznali diljem Europe. To što smo uvijek u žurbi, prljave plahte i odvratne WC školjke neke su od stvari koje bi preskočili da imamo priliku. Većinu vremena ipak uspijevamo održati dobro raspoloženje u tim beskrajnim satima u kombiju. Bilo bi lijepo kad bi imali više vremena vidjeti neka mjesta, gradove i njihova središta. Međutim, mi nismo bend koji je stalno na turneji pa su neudobnosti putovanja definitivno podnošljive.
Što ljudi koji su već poslušali album kažu o njemu?
Dosad smo čuli uglavnom dobre povratne informacije. Jedna lokalna austrijska radio postaja je upravo pokupila “Sugarcoat” i počela puštati sve pjesme pa jedva čekamo čuti što ljudi izvan bliskog kruga prijatelja misle. Našim roditeljima se sviđaju pjesme na albumu, ali su rekli da ima previše reverba na vokalima.
Kojim bi ključnim riječima opisali svoje fanove?
Prijatelji i ljubavnici, mame i tate.
Voljela bih da mogu preskočiti ovo pitanje, ali baš je nezaobilazno: Kako je sve počelo? Kada ste se upoznali?
Bili smo prijatelji puno prije nego što smo počeli stvarati glazbu zajedno. Valjda smo bili nekolicina koja je u našoj maloj lokalnoj DIY i punk zajednici htjela svirati pop glazbu pa smo na kraju u kolovozu 2015. osnovali pop bend.
Bendove uvijek pitam imaju li neku fiktivnu grupu (iz serija ili filmova) koja ih podsjeća na njih. Ako imate, koja je to i tko je tko u ekipi?
Mi bi vjerojatno bili ekipa iz Breakfast Club. Manje krvoprolića – ista količina drame. Čekaj da nas upoznaš i u sekundi ćeš vidjeti tko je tko.
Koliko dugo radite na “Sugarcoatu”?
Na pjesmama radimo od kraja 2015., a album smo počeli snimati u srpnju 2017. tako da se to što će uskoro izaći čini nadrealnim, ali je i veoma uzbudljivo.
Koje su vam najdraže pjesme kada je riječ o nastupima uživo?
Uživamo svirati Please Me, Blue Colored, Quicksand i Damaged Goods koja se čini miljenicom publike. Prvu pjesmu s albuma, Giving Up, nedavno smo dodali setu. Na početku smo se mučili s njom ritmički, ali je na kraju ispala zabavna za izvoditi.
Ima li nekih bendova iz Austrije ili šire koje bi preporučili našim čitateljima?
Definitivno ima! Učinite si uslugu i poslušajte Kometa, Red Gaze, Hidden by the Grapes, Robotra, Falco, Bird of the Year, Cryptic Commands, Jayden, Astpai, Kaiko, James Choice and the Bad Decisions, Deadends, Dead End Friends, Antimanifest, Missstand, Dives, Bycicle Terror, Varicella Zoster, Aivery, Small Hours, Mile me deaf, Vague, Just Friends and Lovers, Crystal Soda Cream and Melt Downer… da nabrojim nekoliko.
Za kraj navedite nekoliko pjesama koje bi bile dobre za zagrijavanje za koncert!
The Fools – Psycho Chicken
Laurel Aitken – Sally Brown
Courtney Barnett – Elevator Operator
Roberto Blanco – Samba Si Arbeit No
Gipsy Kings – Djobi Djoba
Ideal – Blaue Augen
Take That – It Only Takes A Minute
Justin Bieber – Love Yourself
Simon and Garfunkel – Bridge over Troubled Water (Ne mora uvijek biti brza stvar (; )
Kim Wilde – Chequered Love
Beyonce – Love on Top
Talking Heads – This must be the Place
Television – Marquee Moon
Funkadelic – You Can Get to That
Toots and the Maytals – 54-46 Was My Number
Elvis Presley – Suspicious Minds
Blitz – New Age
Izvorni tekst intervjua
The 10-men crowd that saw you last time you were here is spreading some nice rumors about your band. Were you as impressed with them as they were with you? Are you coming back for more or to have your revenge on Zagreb?
Sometimes playing in front of 10 people who are smiling is more enjoyable than performing for a full room of bored faces. Also, 100% of the audience bought merch, which never happened before and hasn’t happened ever since. Zagreb, don’t let us down! (;
If I’m not mistaken, your first LP is coming out pretty soon? Is there a tour involved? Where will record’s promotion take you, besides Zagreb?
Yes, it’s going to be released on April 27th through Numavi Records. There will be a couple of shows in and around Austria in spring. We’re going to play some small festivals in summer and then we’ll hit German roads in early September.
What are your favourite things about being on the road? What would you skip if you could?
We obviously do love playing shows and hanging out with friends that we met all across Europe. Always being in a hurry, dirty bed sheets and disgusting toilet seats are some of the things we would skip if we had the chance to. Although most of the time we manage to keep a good mood when spending endless hours in the van, it also would be nice to have time to see some towns and city centres instead. However we aren’t a heavy-touring band, so the inconveniences of being on the road are definitely bearable.
What do people who already heard the album have to say about it?
So far we mostly recieved good feedback on the record. A local austrian radio station just picked up “Sugarcoat” and started playing all of the songs, so we’re excited to hear what people outside the “inner circle” are thinking about it.
Our parents really like the songwriting on “Sugarcoat” but said there was too much reverb on the vocals.
What keywords would you use to describe your fanbase?
Friends and lovers, Mums and Dads.
I wish I could skip this question, but it’s a must: How did it all start? When did you meet? Is there some legendary encounter to retell?
We’ve all been friends for a long time before we started making music together. I guess we were the few people in our small local diy and punk community who wanted to play pop music and so we eventually went on to form a pop band in August 2017.
I always ask band members do they have a fictional gang (one from film or TV) that reminds them of themselves? If you do, tell us which one and who’s who in the gang?
If we were a gang, we’d probably be the Breakfast Club. Less bloodshed – same amount of drama. Wait until you meet us and you will figure out who is who in a second.
How long have you been working on “Sugarcoat”?
We’ve been working on the songs for “Sugarcoat” since late 2015 and started tracking the record in july 2017, so being on the verge of releasing it feels surreal, yet pretty exciting.
What numbers are your favourites when it comes to live performances?
We usually enjoy playing Please Me, Blue Colored, Quicksand and what seems to be one of the audience’s favorite Damaged Goods. We just added the album’s opening song Giving Up to our live-set, which we were struggling with rhythmically in the beginning, but it evenutally turned out to be a fun song to perform.
Are there any bands in Austria or wider you would recommend to our readers?
There certainly are. Do yourself a favor and check out Kometa, Red Gaze, Hidden by the Grapes, Robotra, Falco, Bird of the Year, Cryptic Commands, Jayden, Astpai, Kaiko, James Choice and the Bad Decisions, Deadends, Dead End Friends, Antimanifest, Missstand, Dives, Bycicle Terror, Varicella Zoster, Aivery, Small Hours, Mile me deaf, Vague, Just Friends and Lovers, Crystal Soda Cream and Melt Downer… just to name a few.
Please name a couple of songs that could be useful for a concert warmup!
The Fools – Psycho Chicken
Laurel Aitken – Sally Brown
Courtney Barnett – Elevator Operator
Roberto Blanco – Samba Si Arbeit No
Gipsy Kings – Djobi Djoba
Ideal – Blaue Augen
Take That – It Only Takes A Minute
Justin Bieber – Love Yourself
Simon and Garfunkel – Bridge over Troubled Water (It does not always have to be an uptempo song (;)
Kim Wilde – Chequered Love
Beyonce – Love on Top
Talking Heads – This must be the Place
Television – Marquee Moon
Funkadelic – You Can Get to That
Toots and the Maytals – 54-46 Was My Number
Elvis Presley – Suspicious Minds
Blitz – New Age